Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wide Awake...

I don't know why but I am WIDE awake...I have actually been wide awake three nights in a row now and it is really starting to bug me!

Why am I awake...

Could it be the large glass of water that I drank right before going to bed...the one you drink when you are in the states that doesn't matter because if you do wake up in the middle of the night you can sleepily walk to the bathroom, not think twice, and then sleepily walk back to bed...

That same drink here poses a different midnight response....its the thought of...well if I do get up...I have to get dressed first, then I have to find the flashlight and the roll of toilet paper, then I actually have to go outside and shine that light in a dark pit latrine...hope that no flying bug in the latrine likes light, take care of business, find my way back home, then get ready for bed all over again? Lets face that time you are 100% awake and there is little hope of getting back to sleep any time soon...

Could it be the mosquito net that caves in around you while you sleep...the one that makes you feel a little claustrophobic even when you don't struggle with claustrophobia??

Could it be the sound of the bat family living directly above you?? You know...the one that swarms the attic and makes strange squeaking noises?? Or all the noise of the outside world...the strange new bug noises, the owls, the crickets that seem 100 times louder here then they do in the city of LA.

Could it be the thoughts of all I have to do in class.... reading, working, relationships, language learning??

What could it be??

Who knows! All I know is that I can't sleep and it is frustrating me to no end!


Unknown said...

Hang in there. You've got a lot of people rooting for you.

Dee Grimes said...

hehehe, oh what a different experience, I am going to learn with you, don't drink after 6pm!!!