Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Quote To Think About...

My COAT training has been full of this I mean up to 5 chapters of reading each night for homework.

One book in particular I have not been to fond of. It is tedious reading that runs around in circles and doesn't really say a whole lot. Today being 300 pages in, I finally found a quote that I highlighted as one I liked and I wanted to share with you all.

"Whatever we "own" is really entrusted to us by God, borrowed and reverently used by us for a time, after which we must let go one way or another - either through giving and sharing or through dying and releasing our former possessions to others. Even the molecules that make up our bodies are on loan to us. One day we will give them all back, rendering an account of how we have used them through time - time also being a precious gift of which we have been made stewards." -Brian McLaren

I liked the reminder that this quote offered....the reminder that earth is our temporary home and that we should live like it.

So often I get caught up in my home, my job, my possessions, my friends, that I forget that it is really God's home, God's job, God's possessions, God's friends.

Nothing really belongs to me, I am just a steward of what He has given to me for a short time.

My prayer is that I steward the things He has given me wisely!


Unknown said...

Hi my dear,
Excellent quote - this I was saying today too :) This is NOT our home and it's so obvious. It's freeing to know this.
The time difference is killing me - I like to talk to you more. When I finally can call it's too late for you as I'm sure you found out by my late call the other night. (Your time anyway). Well I love you so much Lena - :) I wanted to say I saw Lisa and Dan today and they send their love to you too. Hebrews 10:23 - Always.

In Jesus our blessed Hope-

Jen said...

Wow I really like that Lena! What book is that?

I love your blogs! Always so inspiring! ;)