Last Sunday I had the privilege of being officially "sent out" into the mission field. It was a great time for my church family to come around me, pray for me, love on me, and officially send me off.
Here are a few pictures....

My table in the lobby - where I met many new friends and was blessed beyond comprehension!! I went from 58% funded on my startup costs to just under 100% in less than 12 hours! I was left speechless and amazed at God's provision!

Some of my handouts/pics
The 7 pm services sends me out!

So....What next??
I have 4 weeks left in California!! In that time I need to sell my car, sell my remaining possessions, continue to fundraise, finish out my school year with my students, and say goodbye to my friends and family!
My biggest need right now is my monthly finances. My goal is to be 90% in the next 4 weeks...I am at 58%. If you can commit to a monthly financial gift please visit: and become a part of my financial sending team!!